Trimming & Deboning
Trimming & Deboning
Heavy Duty Design to Maximize Yield
Product Description
Experience in trim lines can have big dividends and those dividends are measured in yield. Friesen’s delivers a heavy-duty design that can withstand the heavy washdown environment of your cut floor. We will collaborate with your team to help achieve maximum efficiency for trimming and deboning your meat for further processing/packaging. Our conveyor experts will suggest the best belting for each step of the process from bones to fat to premium meat cuts. Integration is also an option for trim upgrades, trim management, and foreign material inspection. The end result is delivering a state of the art harvesting floor/facility.
Trim Upgrading Options
Accumulation and Metering of Product
Total Integrated Solution
Optional Trim Sorting with Combo Building
Custom Integrated Controls
Heavy-Duty Robust Design
Experience Belt Consulting
Stainless Steel Construction